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Lovers Retreat Farm

At Lovers Retreat Farm we strongly believe that the only way to produce our quality goat cheese is to have happy, healthy goats.  In fact, we were certified by the Animal Welfare Approved program after rigorous review to insure we met their standards.  The basic premise of their standards stress that animals must be able to behave naturally and be in a state of physical and psychological well-being.

Therefore, we keep a small herd of contented goats on our farm that are milked to produce a gallon of milk each per day, which makes a pound of cheese.  The goats enjoy grazing in our bountiful pastures to their hearts content when they're not loafing in a spacious paddock until milking time when they enjoy their favorite mix of grains.

We specialize in raising pure bred and percentage dairy goats.  As members of the American Dairy Goat Association, we strive to produce top quality animals.  In order to keep them in milk, every Spring each doe gives birth to two, three and sometimes four kids!  Contact us for kid reservations.





Our farm also produces our own brown eggs from numerous free-range Black SexLink, Barred Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red hens.  We also sell eggs from our flock of Mallard ducks and Chinese/ Embden geese.